This blog is about a darker side of the world and a spirit whom has far less positive outlooks on things. So then let us begin with the introduction to the world and it's denizens of non-existence, which so created the world as features ingrained in our minds, world and body.
This will begin by describing the 6 Lavor whom rule over this world from their dominions within it.
Pavoriesse is the incarnate being of fear to whom all who gaze into her become first horrified then jaded by her, such that she creates a lessened reaction to herself in the end but not initially and whom can even bring about a strange craving from beyond the peaceful and hopeful.
She will be our guide to the nightmares of the world that lay hidden under the surface of the things that call themselves other things, while ignoring their own truth as something far more terrifying then the sole claimed nobility of the act or thing.
She symbolizes the gaze into that abyss, as she has long stood staring into the void of crimson blood, her symbol is the sour apple, that is not green but red and more closely akin to the crab apple while pretending to be a normal apple. She is thus that apple gone bad on only the inside.
She will corrupt those who have been gazed at her and it is only her own bandages that can plaster up that false truth with ignorant lies, her symbols thus include the bandage of blood and the void she gazes into. She is the waiter at the edge of hell and the awaited of the unending of days.
She casts spells of magic on others with consent and thus hosts battles of magic in her domain, or as practice hosts her own curse within herself, such that she curses herself to break or not break the curse, simply for entertainment!
She is thus the Lavor of Magic and Fear
Scarglace is the one who work on himself and the knowledge of science, thus he studies the nature and the theories of science to better remain rational and up to date ( I need some catching up now ) as well as formulating his own theories and physics for reality, which could be tested or not ( since he doesn't care ). Scars because science is permanent.
He is also active and builds muscle, meaning he goes to the gym to work out and goes on countless walks even to the length of his city, such that he remains in relative shape, building that strength and bodily attraction simply for the sake of it. His symbolism is virtuality ( virtual space ), stones and the city. The city for its works.
His work does not only remain on himself and in the knowledge of the sciences, but is also spiritual and artistic, such that he uses his abilites to create and define those thoughts in his head such that he is remembered and potent while living. He is thus as a stone for remaining there.
As such those whom take to the work of Scarglace, create some form of work and goal that is their end in some form( in my case videogames and objects ) and works on these projects often while keeping to the other ends of his being ( muscle and knowledge ). He is represented by virtuality because he is an emulator of knowledge
He studies these things aswell to improve his skill in the areas he feels justified to but does not care much for those aspects he is fond of and feels need not improvement, such that he truly runs his world within the boundaries he creates and lives in comfort with it.
He is thus the Lavor of self-work and sciences.
Karlesq represents the being of edges and humanity, he reaches up into the heavens of further yonders and things beyond comprehension and thus his symbolism is that rings and layers as well as shades and his own pair of double wings. He could be seen as the attainment of power over time of a history, or the act of which the next follows from it.
But he is in this context of the darker sort, meaning he pursues the problem above, the works of those things that do not yet effect the world problematically and seeks to contain the powers of those higher imaginings that have yet to attain reality.
He can be compared to the act of going beyond good and evil, or even a magic or science of the approach to the sun, which would melt any who reached it, but he overcomes that limit none the less in metaphor with the right to descend from those higher places.
He represents that edge that creates the next event, meaning he is the end of sentences and the rings of Saturn, he carries no part in him, except which follows from whatever he has selected to ascend above it, he takes dreams and makes them vanish with the approach of those powers.
He is the ending that has no end and the torment of that infinity, with its resounding echoes of what comes after being unlike but like the previous and with these things gains abilities not found elsewhere because he himself is departed from what is, towards what is not.
He is the Lavor of edge and human powers.
The spirit of good things and pain, such that she is the spirit of both the blissful and the painful, solely because she has right to choose what to experience from a diversity of fondants and tastes. This is because they are diverse and thus the symbol of her being is fondant.
She represents the diversity of concepts that differ from and can be selected from as per desire and manner of being, each concept can in turn be used within the things of what one desires, such that she provides the measures to attain the thing wanted and keep it separate from the unwanted or simply uninterested.
For like a good or bad fondant, it is up to you to decide which to have and the choice of which is within your reach, perhaps one even likes both, but know that she is not over limitation, which karlesq can aid in. Further another that comes later aids greater.
Because of this, she provides both adventure and fun, while also offering examples of less fun and less interesting things, such that she is able to become a thing that is purchasable from and receptive to the desire of a person.
It is thus a simply rule from which the whole of it is built on, what you want should be what you get and a study of its becoming is difficult without the self, which is within others and not myself, thus the knowledge creates the want and the experience can be attained only through self.
Thus she is the Lavor of good and bad things.
The rabbit represents the primitive and the maddening, the one who's symbol is fire and the purple plant and vast cosmos of emptiness, is one of the most important but limited of the spirits called lavor because he is the concept of that first form and that alteration of form.
The fire is lit in him to create the natures he sees in his maddened and primitive mind, but he cannot grasp it in his mind and knows not yet how to build that place of his manifestation, but uses none the less the primitive of it, which is his next symbol.
The purple leafs are the ancient leafs from before the color green and did not use the same process in the hopes of one day finding the color green. Thus they are plants that create the same form of life, without the nature of the green because it still did not exist.
His final symbol, the empty void, is both where he gathers that novel concept he cannot grasp and where he puts it in the void that creates that answer hyper primitive of the thing that he could one day grasp if he knew how, thus he creates the basic proponent at the simplest level, without its completion of difference.
While he is creator, instead of drill he makes hole in something with stone, thus he is on the pursuit of that later one, through the knowledge of that first one, to eventually attain that latter dream that leads onwards to higher things, which are its components of further primitives. But he is also the one of hedonism for these reasons.
Thus he is that primitive urge and that maddening mind.
To keep ones humanity or become something other then human is a question certain people have and the variety of things a person can manifest as when they travel towards their desires is incredulous as it brings about a disbelief of the other thing that does not compute, thus the monster in this place is one of alteration.
But a human can remain none the less friends with a monster and this moral lesson is what can be described as a self that isn't mankind, within a group of mankind, but that their is no distinguished except in blame or claim of which and who is monster, thus they are another kind that divides in turn into countless others.
One can be a person or a monster, within this world created, because the monster and the man are not so different when they meet in the ends of each common desire within they're different kinds above or below the line of mankind or other.
This monster is further symbolic of the whaling that is the unknown and the things that aren't what we call home, because monsters are not human and behave differently in perception or understanding, since they see the world through their own wants unlike the man who is not a monster and who desires his own wants unlike the monster in at least the rating of whether they are monster or man.
The symbolic imagery of this Mantstrue is the whaling unknown and thus you cannot know what is in the image unless attempted to be understood and created through his view or your own, perhaps they are not even the same perspective, but the monster is true in its view too so the two exist in that not knowing and difference
As such Mantstrue is the Lavor of Monsters and Whalings.
Thus these are the 6 beings of that world I have created to experience and thus the arrangement of those things is found in the terms of each one and the extended end by which to next attain within the greater world of this beginning.
Thus I will introduce a character and then follow with the goal which we will attend to in this domain of the world. With some introspection on what the above things mean to me.
This is Damian, he is our character who goes on journeys through the reality created and explores its abilities, for fun and curiosities sake. He will thus explore the technicalities described above in further detail and travel abroad the world he discovered as he walked about.
The exploration of this place shall divide itself into the different roles each Lavor takes and what it creates within its system and will explore it. To discover the things described above. Such as the nature of magical fear, working science, ascension edge, wants exploration, mad primitisation and monstrous whalings.
It will be an adventure created after, that will go elsewhere in the manners of the things above.
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