Thus let us begin with the use of each in this context:
For our first portion, we will use pavoriesse's ability to cause fear as a system of both inspiration and then we will process it through the others to create something further from it. Thus we will first select an appropriate subject in mind to convert to a shadowy form of itself.
The first step is selecting something of interest such as:
Faith+Skepticism = Skeptic faith.
A faith that does not believe, rather it is skeptical of the gods and their behaviors, from which they grow towards something that results from that skepticism rather then belief in those gods.
Then we will form a shadow of it, where it has become darker:
A faith without beleif is as empty as can be, it doesn't have the ability to grow at all in any direction and is contained to that purpose for it's end is unplanned without guidance or direction.
Thus we have created our shadow, the directionless and without guide, who has thrown himself away from what could show him the way. And thus we have our basic concept for this experiment. Next we will convert it to physical nature:
Scarglace will create for us the ability that springs from the thought of fear we have just now created. As such he will make it more realistic by converting the magical desire into material reality, through the knowledge of the world and it's sciences.
Since we are discussing the directionless, we will evidently remove direction as this is a concept that springs from the ends of directionless things, thus rather then solely fleeing the gods skeptically as part of their growth, we will also not select an end or way to return.
Thus when we feel the need to, we go and lose ourselves trying to find our way back to the same place as we once were and we do this in mind and matter as per our desire.
This lack of direction, is for itself and the end of it is non existent.
This has been made material because we can now practice it as we see fit, we can simply use it rather then be made into it accidentally or without reason. Thus we can know our non location in this place and the direction we can go is lost.
So know that we've created a materialized form of the nightmare we seek, we must take it farther then this because we can!
Thus when we feel the need to, we go and lose ourselves trying to find our way back to the same place as we once were and we do this in mind and matter as per our desire.
This lack of direction, is for itself and the end of it is non existent.
This has been made material because we can now practice it as we see fit, we can simply use it rather then be made into it accidentally or without reason. Thus we can know our non location in this place and the direction we can go is lost.
So know that we've created a materialized form of the nightmare we seek, we must take it farther then this because we can!
Karlesq disagrees that this ability to get lost is so easy, because it requires knowing how to lose oneself and for this, Karlesq suggests their be an invention for loosing themselves in the physical such that they are transported elsewhere and must find their way home.
He thinks this could be done with teleportation, but teleportation does not exist and thus he decides that he must build a means to loose himself as commanded beyond simply finding a place that he is lost in. He can't get lost on purpose and so he seeks a means to that.
So he decided that the best way to do this, is to find a distant place to reach around him, some specific landmark he can map, then find his way there without looking at the map, such that he can be lost where he knows he is and must find a place he actually knows not where it is.
Except in the vague memory of the map he doesn't have.
Now that we can lose ourselves in no direction known and can travel to an end that we have no reason to get to. We should probably remember not to do this outside wants.
to ensure you attain what is desired of the loss of oneself, remember to either have access to a way back if you ever need one and have decided to stop being lost, and perhaps in especially risky circumstances telling someone where your headed.
Because you may not be able to get out as easily as planned once gone to lose the self. As such you may simply want to be prepared, such that the end desired is as desired and not as would be.
See other post for virtual ways to cause others to be lost, but a simple one is just to go for a walk and imagine no one knows where they are going.
Following some aid with the exact desire of the experience, let us make it simpler and more primitive, through the next Lavor:
Lepoxiania can take what is already quite simple and make an even more simple root, from which the rest can follow at a far quicker root. So we ask what is simpler then taking a walk and not knowing where you are going.
The answer is quite simple, because it is in the mind and the mind can be explored and even lost in, as such, this is the pursuit of loosing ones self, or perhaps mind and is perhaps somewhat more risky, because it is a far shorter root.
"Simply select to find nowhere, and go wherever it takes you" said the rabbit!
Follow for as long as one wishes, and seek that loss on the way, but don't forget to let them know where you are going and remember where you once were, to have a fun a variable length of loss of self's place, while being in the same space.
This can better improve ones outer experience as well.
But what if we added a little bit more to it, such that it was a monstrous whaling more then these things we have first made.
So we can loose ourselves in directionless paths, but we could go far farther then this within the fields of each one, where their details are greater, but more studied in other ends, while realizing too that their is far more in each then solely the power of fears creation.
We could absorb this property with inclusion of something else however, and thus we will explore each, starting with the powers of effect in the monster's games. Where the blog post titled this ( Monster's game ) will define the ability of the greater losing ones way.
As we will create the monster of that thing.
The dredge,is a monster that lives and feeds in and off getting lost and things lost without point. It creates a world of only this and with that we will create it's domain, to further the abilities of the Dredge, which lives in some about this world.
For this is the game of monsters and so it should include monsters, which we play as or fight ( because we can in virtual space ) and thus this game is played in a space of virtuality, not unlike the emulations of Scarglace, but of the kind more violent or bizarre.
Their are three component concepts to this monster:
The dredge,is a monster that lives and feeds in and off getting lost and things lost without point. It creates a world of only this and with that we will create it's domain, to further the abilities of the Dredge, which lives in some about this world.
For this is the game of monsters and so it should include monsters, which we play as or fight ( because we can in virtual space ) and thus this game is played in a space of virtuality, not unlike the emulations of Scarglace, but of the kind more violent or bizarre.
Their are three component concepts to this monster:
- The power of loss in the ways
- The stone of found things pointless
- The Hwrand of calcification
and these things are described below to better know their abilities:
The power of loss in ways:
This is where the thing gathers its energy, because it drains the person with wherever it goes and whichever thing it did not find and is key to the thing of philosophy that gives its whole being life. For it can be argued that all are lost and that the things we do not gain, are never found.
Thus the creature here drains the ability to access the thing that is seeked and the thing that is seeked is not attained, while the means to create it is still available without. Such that one looses the way in search of it, but without ever finding it.
It powers itself on the concept, and permits realms where people cannot find the way naturally, because their search departs from them and this is the energy which we gather in our own loss of point in the frigid lands of nothing.
The stone of found things pointless:
The creature is able to seek ends that serve none at all, because it wishes to. It does not want to find anything in particular and does not want to ever find point to its ceaseless wander, without which it would be no more and without which it would not care for the shadows anymore.
Because it cares only for the directionless, the void of empty spaces where their is no reason to be, it carries thus to stones that do nothing and sends itself out to gather more, without any reason to, because it is a monster of loneliness and fright of point.
It's point could be said to be pointless, if it wasn't for the denial of this as a concept. It craves these things with immeasurable desire and wants little to no point in its life, because that way it means nothing and serves no inherent end, and can live as it is not to be.
it is nothing, no direction.
The Hwrand of Calcification
A backwards wand, that takes out the point of the spell, rather then inflect on the source some form of meaningful nature, thus it takes what has been made pointful and erases it with its ponderings on meaningless directions that carry to nowhere.
It is as a caster of the vile nothing, that spell that did nothing to see worth doing as something of ceaseless uselessness.
thus it is the creature that voids the point and the point is made without reward or sustenance. Whose story finishes shortly, for he is not of meaning, the meaning is lost in this monster, but grows from that pointless revelation in its own views of nothing itself.
The battle between men and monsters
These things are to be practiced when being that monster, and this is the monsters game, which permits the craft held here, to do things darker and to live in bitter places without effecting the other who is elsewhere living other things called dreams.
For Man can come to fight monster, but monster too plays games elsewhere.
Thus the monster is the one who plays this game, while the man fights that pointless sucker.
But only in virtual space, for this pointless one is harmless unless forced and this provides either with the guideline to interaction, anything other then force of the thing on others is ends is able to live without being forced upon.
Thus, the creature above, creates nothing and others can come to save themselves from his pointlessness, without harming the other in force, we will discuss that further on the next post relating to Sarahfond.
As this is the first game of monsters, while others come here seeking the other end of that monsters end. For we create games for either.
The edge that says it smaller
In summary, we create meaninglessness by draining it from the loosing of one or other thing's ways and collect stones of pointless measures for no reason at all, this brings about nothing and is completely void of reason or point.
It can be made a problem in games, but is unapplicable in the whole earth above this dreary place called the lands of the monsters.
In this following passage we will further discuss the natures of loosing ones way in mind, which increases its pointless direction in the arts of the directionless. For one can behave within the behaviors external of the Dredge, but without the inner mentality it isn't as entertaining.
Thus while the game of monsters included the arts of the Dredge, summarized here as gaining power through meaninglessness and the draining of points from its directionless search for some stone, which it avoids and loses. Such that it attempts to find its way after being lost, it also seeks to loose its position in mind.
To do this it practices random thought, voiding, and directionless reference.
Thus while it wanders about in search of the pointless stone, hoping to find in it a place it knows not where, it thinks to itself on certain subject matters below:
Random thought:
It thinks of random things, such as anything without any particular order or train of thought, thus it may go from the subject of dinosaurs to the subject of quantum mechanics in one sentence, thus saying:
"Dinosaurs be like the determinant vibrations of the atoms!"
This random thought is meant to be senseless and without point, because it has no end or direction to go in, and is merely rambling without a point, such that it creates a further pointless atmosphere of the mind.
If it ever comes across a meaning during its ramblings, it then practices ensuring it looses that meaning on the way, such that it can no longer have a point, and gives reason for why it is pointless such as this example:
"I must save the world because it is noble"
"World saving continues after it is saved!"
Such that the idea behind the basic concept is made void and has no longer any point, thus one looses the direction in derangement, to further know not what it is and see no point to wherever it is going or where it will be after.
Directionless reference:
The capacity to make references to the way one is going without having a point to it, such that the point is lost as to why you travel there with inclusion of finding the stones, for example:
"I must find my way home!"
While walking to the store, or further how to loose the self in the mental root along with the other such that the way is unclear and must never be known:
"I am going somewhere, where am I?"
Is an example of that other directionless reference.
This is paired well with the idea that each encounter while wandering about and I mean encounter with people be made and viewed in such a way that everyone you see is lost and uncertain of where they are going ( even if they tell you where they are going )
Such that the way is lost in the body, mind and matter and can be found not in that place.
Karlesq will explore the greater transcendence of meaninglessness and pointlessness, in the context of no direction, such that this useless end can be made more then this too, thus we will both go beyond meaninglessness and explore that capacity to lose the way on the way.
So then what is beyond meaninglessness, which is most certainly not meaning at all, but deeper then even that of pointlessness in all things.This will be paired well with the monster we have created and this thing beyond meaninglessness is scatterings, which came before even the meaningless.
Because before their can be no point, their must be a dissolution of the point unto void.
As such, the Dredge is a creature that scatters the point, then ceases to make meaning at all, rather then organizing and filling something with point. It is therefore a means of nothing and void which can contain no reason or direction ( because it is scattered and disarranged )
Thus we will divide this part into its application in mind, body and matter, such that the same can be done with scattering as with pointlessness.
Science is usually served as something with point, but we will study the material nature of pointlessness in this page of the voids. As such we will work towards technology that serves absolutely nothing and ensure it can be used only for pointless utility.
We will thus describe useless things and note some of the basic component parts of useless technology, which carry no reason or meaning at all and can not have value because they mean nothing and are made this way as desired.
The basic point of this work, is to make something that cannot be used at all, for example a ball that cannot be rolled or used for massage, because it is high on a pole that is buried in the ground.
The basic physical attributes of pointless technology is that it means nothing, serves no reason and has no use. We will describe how to acquire each below, where these things mean nothing and carry not to the value of anything.
Meaning is found when their is something that can be gained from the thing that symbolises it, thus the best way to remove point of meaning from something is to find that meaning:
"The stone is symbol of its strength."
and remove it from the the object such as making a stone with no strength, that cannot be used for any purpose of strength or foundation. Thus it will be clay that does not dry.
A reason that can be given to something serves some point of utility beyond just the foundational meaning of an object, for example:
a stone can be used for building walls
But we remove this reason for existence by making this object unable to make walls, by taking our strengthless stone and removing its ability to remain stable, such that it is more akin to slime then even clay ( far too moist to use at all )
Finally we take that thing and make it completely unusable, by ensuring it has no utility, such that even tho the example has a use it lost it completely in our process of creating it.
"A wall can be used for shelter"
And thus our blob of goo must not be usable for shelter at all, thus it has become nothing but air and serves no reason or even means of building, because it is the air and is all these things without point at all.
Because it serves no meaning ( has no strength ) serves no reason ( has no blockage ) and serves no use ( cannot shelter )
this process is the necessary science of the Dredge, which permit its pointless existence to be furthered even more.
Then we continue with magic.
It is composed of three parts that serve no reason and thus the spell is completely unaffective, thus it is the most useless sets of spells on the planet, because it has no point to its art and is merely of non utility.
In this following passage we will further discuss the natures of loosing ones way in mind, which increases its pointless direction in the arts of the directionless. For one can behave within the behaviors external of the Dredge, but without the inner mentality it isn't as entertaining.
Thus while the game of monsters included the arts of the Dredge, summarized here as gaining power through meaninglessness and the draining of points from its directionless search for some stone, which it avoids and loses. Such that it attempts to find its way after being lost, it also seeks to loose its position in mind.
To do this it practices random thought, voiding, and directionless reference.
Thus while it wanders about in search of the pointless stone, hoping to find in it a place it knows not where, it thinks to itself on certain subject matters below:
Random thought:
It thinks of random things, such as anything without any particular order or train of thought, thus it may go from the subject of dinosaurs to the subject of quantum mechanics in one sentence, thus saying:
"Dinosaurs be like the determinant vibrations of the atoms!"
This random thought is meant to be senseless and without point, because it has no end or direction to go in, and is merely rambling without a point, such that it creates a further pointless atmosphere of the mind.
If it ever comes across a meaning during its ramblings, it then practices ensuring it looses that meaning on the way, such that it can no longer have a point, and gives reason for why it is pointless such as this example:
"I must save the world because it is noble"
"World saving continues after it is saved!"
Such that the idea behind the basic concept is made void and has no longer any point, thus one looses the direction in derangement, to further know not what it is and see no point to wherever it is going or where it will be after.
Directionless reference:
The capacity to make references to the way one is going without having a point to it, such that the point is lost as to why you travel there with inclusion of finding the stones, for example:
"I must find my way home!"
While walking to the store, or further how to loose the self in the mental root along with the other such that the way is unclear and must never be known:
"I am going somewhere, where am I?"
Is an example of that other directionless reference.
This is paired well with the idea that each encounter while wandering about and I mean encounter with people be made and viewed in such a way that everyone you see is lost and uncertain of where they are going ( even if they tell you where they are going )
Such that the way is lost in the body, mind and matter and can be found not in that place.
Karlesq will explore the greater transcendence of meaninglessness and pointlessness, in the context of no direction, such that this useless end can be made more then this too, thus we will both go beyond meaninglessness and explore that capacity to lose the way on the way.
So then what is beyond meaninglessness, which is most certainly not meaning at all, but deeper then even that of pointlessness in all things.This will be paired well with the monster we have created and this thing beyond meaninglessness is scatterings, which came before even the meaningless.
Because before their can be no point, their must be a dissolution of the point unto void.
As such, the Dredge is a creature that scatters the point, then ceases to make meaning at all, rather then organizing and filling something with point. It is therefore a means of nothing and void which can contain no reason or direction ( because it is scattered and disarranged )
Thus we will divide this part into its application in mind, body and matter, such that the same can be done with scattering as with pointlessness.
Pointless scatters in mind:
To disarrange a perspective from its placement as sense and make it meaningless once again is to remove any sense it had, through the scattering of its terms. for example it takes that scatter and makes it further in a deranged thought form:
The dinosaur is in the lamp and it takes to frolicking with the donkeys also in lamps which mean little
Frolicking with lamps mean little and it with the take is in the dinosaur donkey, it is in and to mean.
Thus this act of scattering is to create a word salad from which to mean nothing, and to make it from what you have already said, such that the meaning is completely voided in accordance with its lack luster point.
Pointless scatter in the body
To disarrange the direction one is walking in, is to not take the road towards the thing in question, but to first walk off into the direction that cannot take part in that orientation, then try from some later direction to return to that end desired in search of stones.
Pretty simple.
Pointless scatter in the matter
The simple view that all things scatter about without way or reason, that it is a mismatched arrangement of properties and parts that are meaninglessly arranged towards no end, that people merely wander in that scatter and create solely scattering to a further degree, without point at all.
These are the basic ideas behind that Dredge which makes no point and creates only void from which to mean nothing and scatter it across.
Science of nothing
We will thus describe useless things and note some of the basic component parts of useless technology, which carry no reason or meaning at all and can not have value because they mean nothing and are made this way as desired.
The basic point of this work, is to make something that cannot be used at all, for example a ball that cannot be rolled or used for massage, because it is high on a pole that is buried in the ground.
"A pointless picture of pointlessness "
The basic physical attributes of pointless technology is that it means nothing, serves no reason and has no use. We will describe how to acquire each below, where these things mean nothing and carry not to the value of anything.
Meaning is found when their is something that can be gained from the thing that symbolises it, thus the best way to remove point of meaning from something is to find that meaning:
"The stone is symbol of its strength."
and remove it from the the object such as making a stone with no strength, that cannot be used for any purpose of strength or foundation. Thus it will be clay that does not dry.
A reason that can be given to something serves some point of utility beyond just the foundational meaning of an object, for example:
a stone can be used for building walls
But we remove this reason for existence by making this object unable to make walls, by taking our strengthless stone and removing its ability to remain stable, such that it is more akin to slime then even clay ( far too moist to use at all )
Finally we take that thing and make it completely unusable, by ensuring it has no utility, such that even tho the example has a use it lost it completely in our process of creating it.
"A wall can be used for shelter"
And thus our blob of goo must not be usable for shelter at all, thus it has become nothing but air and serves no reason or even means of building, because it is the air and is all these things without point at all.
Because it serves no meaning ( has no strength ) serves no reason ( has no blockage ) and serves no use ( cannot shelter )
this process is the necessary science of the Dredge, which permit its pointless existence to be furthered even more.
Then we continue with magic.
The magic of making a spell that doesn't do anything, while appearing as magical as can be.
It is composed of three parts that serve no reason and thus the spell is completely unaffective, thus it is the most useless sets of spells on the planet, because it has no point to its art and is merely of non utility.
The three points of arrangement for a useless spell are:
- arrangement
- flair
- confetti
The arrangement of the altar that does nothing is vastly important, because it wastes time and must be designed without symbolism, but merely reason of nothing as such it should be thought on without those symbols that get in the way of its lack of utility.
For example:
Two candles, a circle and a pile of dirt, which carry no association what so ever and serve no point or end.
Such that each part serves the role of nothing.
One cannot create a useless spell without some form of meaningless ramble of what it does not do, thus for our flair we create the meaningless words of the spell and attempt to make it sound sensible while completely word salad like. Vague inferences that do nothing is key here to ensure it does not do something.
for example:
This is thy way of void
the holy sacrament is vaster
the twelfth thing is noble
but the meaning so long gone
it states the void of servings
and cause powers of null
This is all that must be done, statement of meaninglessness paired with a useless altar. Such that it can do nothing and be a waste of time, without purpose or point.
The last part is just a pointless tossing of confetti, simply because their is no reason for it and this is important to ensure that it served nothing and that you didn't gain anything from it in celebration. one simply cuts up colored paper and tosses it into the air after stating the uselessness.
We have now concluded the art of useless magic and move on to the battle in the Game of Monsters.
Game of monsters
Creating a battle between these things above and the humans can be fun when controlled and measured to the desire of others, which is why Sarahfond is included in this blog. Because she represents the application of these ideas in a want and perhaps hedonistic fashion.
Thus she suggests a form of battle can take place between the humans and the dredge, in one of three categories:
- Personal
- Virtual
- Multiplayer
and these are available to perform because they provide a way to accomplish them without harm and force on others ( which is where the acts become problematic )
As such we will attempt to describe these three concepts as a form of battle between two parties ( monsters and man )
The ability to do it on ones own, on either side of it, such that once a meaningless thing is created to then form meaning and the inverse into it, or to take from meaning as one wishes, within a battle of meaning and pointlessness.
To further one of the ends over the other on ones own without other member and battle a self that is unlike the self in persuit or in becoming anything else, such that it effects not the other side but is vanquised by the meaning, or lack in the self. For example in either:
A stone carries no meaning it always lacks.
A stone can be learned from with meaning.
meaning gives us a purpose to follow from.
Meaning gives us nothing but clueless meh.
The point is to do it alone and conquer without conquering the other, such that it has no effect that can bother another.
while creating none the less the desired outcome, through the unlimitation of primitisation. Since both inflect on each other and thus already exist as perspective.
this is where you make a game or story about the thing that you want to fight, such as a story involving either side of the situation giving it a plot and story that resolves in several potential ways. Such that you can experience greater actions then simply mentally resolving, without harming anyone in actuality.
You could make a game or a story with the monster as the main character or villain and have the plot go in several possible ways, which provide means to whichever realm of action you want and have thus a place to return to at the end of the battle.
The virtual space can be seen as a space of selective story, which resolves in either case each time, someone else disconnected from your game could lose on theirs and thus be "effected" by you from a distance.
As an example:
The humans win and pointlessness is defeated
The Dredge succeed in pointlessing everything
Is an interesting additional portion to the basic concept, in which two people play against or with each other, either creating a personal or virtual battle, which is either in word or action in the discussion or game and harms them not while still competing in the end, depending on the rules set up, it can create unique results.
This concludes the basic concept and first experiement, relating to loss and passing through these Lavor's processes.
With this you can begin creating monsters like I will continue to do.
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