Sneaking around for Knowledge

Mazer and friends needed properties for their improve plan, so they waited till the monster in Incompletia was defeated, then they would head out to those lands to acquire some of Vanes property notes for sketching.

So they went to:

and acquired it and sketched it to:
  • Content }> Shell
  • Motion }> Shamble
  • Growth }> Aging
  • Nutritional }> Chains
  • Energy }> Entropy
  • Resistance }> Decay
  • Friction }> Rough
  • Transparency }> Window
  • Color }> Shadow
  • Geometry }> Splat
  • Sound }> Screeching
  • Texture }> Stimulation
They then built something from it:

Shell Entropy = The shell like structure of reality as it slows down and become nothing but still forms. Can be created by staying still, can be resolved by motion.

Window Chains = Barring entry but letting someone see it, can be used to contain something and observe. A window works best and can be broken in most cases.

Rough Splat = A splattering and rough object. Another thing, that they could use in a battle against someone. Can be created by simple wall, can be resolved with shield.

Decay Window = A ghosted observation, that cannot be known while being used, such that it views something. A hidden camera, can be resolved by location and covering.


Slow motion watch splat. 

They built that last thing, a slow motion splat with cameras that spread slowly and could not be detected, to observe the surroundings.With it, they would eventually know what people were doing in a variety of places and know what was going on outside their island of monsters.

When visible the monster, looked like this:

It was released splatting and off into the cosmic sea.

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