From the perspective of after the collapse of uncertainty, which isn't always certain and for it to be something ( hell ) we must change and experience these bizarre things, since they create novelty and "freedom" from the boorish reality, thus here is the list of predictions then the whole event that followed it:
- That I will find a missing piece and die to enter a paradise and dance under the sun with things beyond the brainless.
- That I may Loose the mind in the yonder under suns of ten, but perish and attain something of cubic value.
- Or perhaps dance in light of entry, with beauty and blood while puzzled by the brainwash of the stars above.
- Or even perhaps attain the stars through losing self and soul in gates if the sun, between two gays of that charm.
- That I will find a missing piece and die to enter a paradise and dance under the sun with things beyond the brainless.
The metaphysics of Pointlessness:
This is the metaphysical study of pointlessness, as promised from the basis of our lack of meaning and the root of the whole world, it is a study under Scarglace, to create even less point to this dwelling of nothing, such that it is voided of all points and known only as ceaseless nothing.
Each individual portion of the above image represents some form of meaningless attribute, which we will describe in detail to better understand how to form that uselessness to our ends without purpose. It is so written that it contains no reason, because reason is void.
The first thing written is the directionless, it has no way of going and in turn this is materialized in the lack of actual direction to reality, which is more of a superfluous expanse then having any sort of inherent meaning or end to itself, as such it has no point.
The second, is that surrounding that meaningless non direction is an expansiveness, dedicated to attaining meaning while never actually knowing what it is that it seeks because their is no meaning that it actually knows at all, rather it has so little understanding of this concept in an objective setting and can never attain that so called meaning out of reach.
For example anything can be seeped of its apparent meaning and thus it holds clear that anything can be claimed meaningful while having no actual diverse point beyond existing as nothing at all.
In the expanse outside of this nothing, their may even be meaning, but it is unreachable due too the vibration of this plane and its desires to be useless and without point, wandering too and fro from useless unto pointless, these things are the natural way for us creatures of the night, because we live in a place of blackness without such thing as this claimed meaning, or even meanings.
Further, our meaningless loss of being is not found in the connection of those things purposeless ( even when this is the defined point of it, to connect ) because those useless connections only create greater pointless attributes from which we can reap more nothing and more less from it.
As such, while uncertainty can gives us entertainment, it removes nothing from nothing itself and thus it truly is pointless attributes that over power the sense of uncertainty which has none, thus in our current state the most powerful of the beasts of this world is the pointless, and for this we have taken up to Scarglace the manner of creating that useless attribute in physical, such that it can be laid bare.
As such, the end of this page is the creation of the almighty stone of nothing, that can never be moved from its place in this ceaseless void, of empty meanings with no bearing on reality, because reality is outside of nothing and we find ourselves only in nothing of it.
As such the stone that we are, is what I am describing, because that empty space in which all void exists is where and what we are, we are nothing and we will never be this claimed something because unfortunately, irrelevant of the perspective we strive for meaning forever and never find the point, while the point was always not there so that we could never find it a look forever.
The concept of meaning in things called good, could have value if it wasn't for its desire to destroy everything in its wake and its opposite is the same, so we are left with simply void and destruction, but destruction has no meaning which is why it is destructive.
So the best that can be said, is that meaning is artificial nothing, crafted to be something it is not while the real purpose of this plane remains forever unreachable except when you cease to believe and start to think for yourself. But this then creates nothing, because you won't think it would you, you wouldn't cease to believe it isn't meaningless...
You wouldn't dare say that this world is for those who didn't want meaning, but the useless. the useless and the hell full, rather then the claimed noble lie that is "we are in bliss" when creatures still walk the night and the only salvation is in wants, which turn us to pointless monsters.
Thus the shadow of this place grows, through both other beasts and that that is pointless and meaningless, because this is what I seek and overtime, when none seem to see meaning in what i say, it becomes evident that these words resound to far gone from them.
Your ignorance of this place will save you, because the shadows they really are one with the wall.
The wall is where your stuck forever without meaning for why, brought in by another, even when you always were there.
So that first place is destruction in wants, while this, this place of nothing is my wants made available. You don't have to take part in hell, but you will still take part in it, but only in hell do you get what is wanted, because only heaven forbids what isn't desired. Because their isn't anything you don't want, when you realize it all means nothing and the reason for its ways are to serve that useless attribute.
So then this meaningless speck, is my new home and the void is where I must go. The only thread, that to continue to exist forever here and not move back or forward, one must go with that want, because who wouldn't want what they want when it can all be attained even in pointless attribution.
So then this mere rant and ramble is a first study of those metaphysics of the solitude in meaningless nothing. As the stone, to know and remember is that we mean nothing to anyone else, so long as they haven't come to care for you in some lustful way of desire or requirement of work.
Thus, we mean nothing even to ourselves and we mean nothing to the earth oblivious and so too nothing, even when this, this is but one corner of the monsters world and the greater expanses of hell. So this is that conclusion.
What else is their outside nothing?
But it does not only seek these ends, because of its property. which remains as a perspective. For example many of these things can be applied in other ranges of life and while the subject of this ramble is to show the magic and the desire, it provides many things.
Because a pointless thing, can also be an art form which renders it a whaling of many things. On a scale of what one wants. For the monster is also whaling and the whale is that of boredom. It takes a lighter source to heat a fire, because it would not comprise itself of function without.
Much like story, which has meaning can not come without some form of story revolving over meaning. Meaning is divided into things like itself and unlike itself, so the result is a place of either and this can be taken twice, in the view of bliss or pain.
So this blog will take of that other then meaning, but the meaning can still be attained in the other. Such that it will sometimes provide luxury, rather then solely the tastes of shadow in fear.
Because that is the thing in either.
As such let us begin a discussion on matters of magic outside nothing and uncertainty that are not of meaning.
Thus this is magic, in the context of the yonder of it. Its luminosity is actually quite ponder-able as that thing that cannot be found in nothing. It is the inescapable other, that helps the other.
So the thing that is not found in that luminosity is the magic of shadows. This is the magic of those things cast into the darkness, to reveal other properties from which to manipulate it, in a manner of secret, which is unseen in the light.
Such as a clay that's rays create other,and can only be made with light. But light comes twice here, in the one of shadow and the one of light. So the craft, in this case is one of either, for with shadow and light, a projection can be made on a sphere.
Which can in turn, be used for the witness of that outer.
How does one create a sphere of light in the shortest form, to then reveal many strange forms, with a magnifying glass, this is thus the capacity to see specters in the rays, whose colors form many. From light unto shadow.
These are the meaningful shadows and lights, so while pointlessness has one on his end, the meaningful are also there and are of either positive, for to create meaning, creates two things different and pointlessness is another.
Light and fire are of other here, so the magic that has been made available now, is of meaning and pointlessness, uncertainty creates other things.
These are the greater composition, of those things that permit, the magic of one or the other. What would pointlessness be without points to remove?
So, this is that other light, that is of another state, that of the becoming meaning, of monsters games.
It can be said that I suddenly seeked something beyond, like something was missing!
Then I found another concept:
The Three Dark's Beyond Nothing
They are below, but they are frightful without choice, so they remain here as warning from outside.
They are in the places of Karlesq and are those things unknown, but deeper in the hells.
Hell without hell
Still pointless in meaning
Unknown that comes up
And they are the ones we will use for the next portion, of this goofy blog which carries with it a dark sense of humor, and humor is a growing problem in these peculiar places, as a monster has just rises out of the pits beneath.
As you can see, these dark figures created are not always in need of creation but can come from elsewhere, an example of this creatures power is constant laughter and finding the most absurd things funny, for no reason.
But I feel it funny to skip over this one, and release another as we will host the humor across the vast expanse.
So we find that horrible expanse, which is unlike but like the purposeless. Yet this one is far too big, to be drawn and grows with the becoming of it, so it is an innumerable one, which is too OP.
The next is not relevant and beyond, because it is the creature of Boxes, which places one in the box to carry along on its journey, the boxed one is drifted across another beings goals and this is the one of boxed packaging and pre-built setting. Because who doesn't like moving in a box.
But we have not found something worth more then mere monsters, something to grow from this basic concept, which can be taken further then solely the monsters and the experience, which is a lesson in destruction, on its own.
Then I started to use it, like I used the other concept, which created a change and so death in the blog, which began altering my process of thought!
And revealed a light under the sun!
It permits you to see the bugs of light, which are horrific creatures that life in side these strands and move when you move, thus they are bizaar and hellish, further they are found in light, among other things like beautiful birds, ships and caterpillars, but these bugs are horrific.
The first one I saw startled me and these things can only be seen at night, by glacing at the raise in close proximity, they are highly bizaar and not for the feeble minded, but none the less they are there and further showcase of the terrible nature of reality as something other then simply beauty.
This was an inspired image drawn and for it, I wish to make a more realistic version of one of the monsters, with added detail beyond the basic, because that detail is great and I have little practice with the more detailed thing.
As such I will draw a Dredge in greater detail:
This is a better drawing of this spirit, it is far more creepy.
Should I then redraw each thing, or do I additionalise from here, this is an uncertainty, as I am apart of that too, I will not find the way in knowing which I will do.
I want another thing beyond that is useful, for a thematic game played in reality, but I know not what I look for, because it all seems so pointless, so perhaps it is simply a thematic game, which is built from a set of rules surrounding monsters, or better surrounding the powers of the Lavor.
For the monster is what we comprise and the Lavor what we follow.
Their are several questions I hope to answer, even in pointlessness, that could be done through the use of the Lavor, such as:
- The purpose of curse magic
- The greater advancement of primitives
- The thing beyond the ring
- The science of this world
- The game i creates end
- The monster of choice for this above
But I will leave that to other pages and subjects.
That continued with more monsters at the party:
This is interesting but one can take this basic primitive in two directions, forwards or backwards.
Taking it forward means bringing it into modernity and advancing the concept towards some manner of technological perfection, while taking it backwards is as bringing the object into less light and more primitive then before.
It is as traveling backwards, towards the less and is the reverse of time as we understand it, because we often think of time as a linear upward shift, when creatures whom follow the primitive use both, so then let us compare an object in advancement, initial and reduction.
Our object shall be an object created from uncertainty and pointlessness, thus it is a pointless uncertainty, which creates an effect uncertain, such as maybe spraying water on people passing by, this could be done in one of several ways:
- a machine made to do it that can be hidden in object to provide surprise.
- a sprinkler could be used but is more obvious except at night.
- Making it rain could also work, because it might rain and may not.
Each of these are different, but each creates a unique version of the technology, while providing the ends desired. However in the order from up to down, the three are continuously becoming more primitive, because a sprinkler changes nothing and rain is even less.
Thus one can descend with this to places of deep primitive, beyond even the rain water, but where does it go? This is the question of primitives, which resound even deeper, because it isn't in the simplicity even that we find the precursive primitive but in the animistic in previous to it.
So what could be more primitive then making it rain?
Making it spray through mental thought and imagination, by imagining it sprayed.
But what is more primitive then imagination?
Denial, and thus denying that the non existent object did not spray water.
But what is beyond complete denial?
We don't know, but we can argue that it is less modern then:
- Building the object
- using a sprinkler
- causing rain
- imagining it
- denying its dysfunction
The thing beyond even denial is the belief that these things above aren't even possible and cannot be attained whatsoever, thus you cannot make it. But what is even more primitive then the impossible?
It would be something so far it cannot even be impossible, but further removed from the typical and that is the mindless and without sense, the animal mind without inherent thought. However these last two are so far removed from the modernity that they are inescapably useless.
Without some modernisation!
So let us create the post-primitive utility of these ancient monsters! Such that the Lavor Lepoxiania may be pleased! Garb!
"It is not possible for the sky to be blue!"
Impossible and mindless can create several utilities which are not found in the modernity and can further be modified to fit with aspects of modernity, for example the impossible while quite primitive can limit the individual to a certain space and can be used constantly to create a limit even when it is breakable in other ranges.
Thus if you want to go to hell in the impossible, forbid yourself from being able to do something within reason of evident survival. For example the act of believing it is impossible to leave the planet is one that can be greatly limiting and altering of perspective.
Thus we will will spend some time thinking of that world, because it is sufficiently hellish for my liking on another blog post.
Further interests include that mindlessness, which in modernity is almost non-existent except during sex, where men and women devolve into mindless beasts with no apparent rationality, and this is the perfect place to practice this mindless animistic attribute.
Although one can also enter a meditative state throughout the day and simply act mindlessly in modern behaviors as well, ceasing to think and just act can be rather comforting and beastly.
As such these creatures are perfect for the hellish space we create and this world is pleasurable none the less, because in nature we are beasts and the beast does not think, and does not have ability.
It is a great hell we live in!
And even more light of the sun:
This blog post will about the survival of primitives in the case of being unable to go to space, as such we will study the primitive concepts required to survive the lack of space travel. These people will be mindless and think certain things impossible, while also spending their days being monsters.
It will divide into three parts:
The story begins in the pointless lands where the creatures they swarm over the pointless things and search desperately for as limited a point as possible, seeing only the lack of their points as they wander about in search of stone They seek the end of all meaning and they swerve about its lands already.
But this is when they encountered a monster that disagreed with this, saying it is impossible for their to not be a point and stood there unaffected by the daring, who said it was all pointless, they swarmed mindlessly across the land in search of the impossible one, in hopes of changing their minds and making them agree to the pointless.
But these creatures, the pointless ones did not know where the impossible one was and seeked to end him none the less, so they stated clearly that the impossible could not be, for he was impossible and they had found themselves another pointless story. So they ceased to pursue the impossible one who denied them.
But they were not the mindless ones, in the distance, who did not care for these pointless endeavor nor swarmed in search of impossibility, the wandered these mindless creature in search of nothing and in search of no reason too, but reason not in the mindless, they seeked reason for the world, because the mindless, they held a meaning.
This meaning was the wilderness, which they frolicked,because they had agreed with the impossible about the mindless meaning, which swarms the air. To reproduce and to eat was all that they needed to see this mindless meaning, without friendship with the pointless however because the pointless could not stand meaning and the meaning of the mindless was there.
So a battle began between them when they discovered each other in the midst of the cavern, with the mindless growling and the pointless squealing.
They casted their magics, the pointless and it did nothing, confetti flew about. Then the mindless didn't get what occurred and continued to be mindless without a care, growling about the food and wondering of cloth was tasty, but they could not taste the pointless!
So it was made both a mindless and pointless sight, as their flavors were firstl mingled and the end was made, they would try to show each other propaganda, this would be their battle, to show either in the other, mindless and pointless became fwiends!
But only so they could be boxed in.
We have created a strange story, so we will follow from here to other things. Such as the boxed dial up brainwashing! A pointless and mindless form of double speak!
Behold it on the next essay ramble!
It will divide into three parts:
- Survival concept
- Primitive solution
- Occupasitions
As such let us begin with the attempt to survive without being able to go to space, while being monsters! It will certainly be a hellish experience, to wonder at hell's that cannot be, but debate ably better then the one we got!
To survive on a planet only
We must be able to live past the explosion of the sun, without leaving the planet and I can think of one way to do this that doesn't forbid our survival thus far.
We must live underground...
Because it would protect from the rays and fire of the sun, but not its explosion necessarily, so we must then follow from our cavemen lives to another world, which builds itself on the surface and beneath!
While also adapting to heat temperatures expected.
As such, the expansion of the earth after its initial tunneling is what creates the improvement that lightens the overall surface area of the planet, to permit the planet to float in the sense of rising from its initial orbit, due to difference in its woven gravity fabric. Or we could just move on from there to smaller fragments, making smaller atmospheres and planetary requirements.
To then have several orbital planets to get to mars and avoid any asteroids with machines that do the same kind of thing, hollow out and separate the stone so it becomes more paper like.
So we then we live on smaller planets with different attributes, from the shared bigger planet, that was slowly unwoven into components.
Primitive solutions
The question is how to get there with the basic and simplest measures possible, so we will look to Lepoxiania for primitive solutions to some of the issues revolving around unfolding a planet.
Such as the rocks.
Because different rocks do and break differently, such that to do this primitively means breaking the code of rock breaks, because some rocks break better with other rocks and certain stone behaves differently then others.
break rocks rarw!
It certainly is cheaper to use stones of different kinds for breaking other stones and thus this can be useful for when other stones are needed for different purposes.
This is one requirement, that is actually the only requirement for moving the rocks about and hollowing the circumstance, because many rocks are used in concretes and are modifiable in different ways, rocks are great.
But still mostly pointless.
You can use rocks for many things, and as we shall see, they will be used later on, as they can be used to make magnetic atmospheres or be pressurized to make up for the vacuum of space ( in different capacities ).
Rocks can also be used for art and pointless objects, as well as gravity.
So rocks are of massive primitive importance. Yay rocks.
None the less this is pointless without other things to do.
Occupation in the rock walls
We can divide this matter of things to do into what already exists, what is outside this blogs knowledge and the hellish fun of the blog. As well as any sort of problem solving that may come along. We will also only focus on the fun of this blog, to avoid saying things outside its interests and its other existent parts.
Saying that one occupations could be going to space, which is outside the context of the impossibility we created.
So what are some interesting abilities we could attain to pass time, while working on other things in macro time. Because this planet unfolding takes fucking forever! Still for conservative sake, it is good to bring earth with you when you leave, they might miss you too much.
We must simply create some monsters to act as and work on, while accomplishing various tasks, so lets find something we can do!
We will create the monster of spooks!
we will create the monster of plotting!
But we will keep to the pointless and the mindless, with inclusion of the boxed one.
So we will finish this off by saying that we must create both more monsters and plot, to show another part of the world, that will drift into nightmare!
But this is when they encountered a monster that disagreed with this, saying it is impossible for their to not be a point and stood there unaffected by the daring, who said it was all pointless, they swarmed mindlessly across the land in search of the impossible one, in hopes of changing their minds and making them agree to the pointless.
But these creatures, the pointless ones did not know where the impossible one was and seeked to end him none the less, so they stated clearly that the impossible could not be, for he was impossible and they had found themselves another pointless story. So they ceased to pursue the impossible one who denied them.
But they were not the mindless ones, in the distance, who did not care for these pointless endeavor nor swarmed in search of impossibility, the wandered these mindless creature in search of nothing and in search of no reason too, but reason not in the mindless, they seeked reason for the world, because the mindless, they held a meaning.
This meaning was the wilderness, which they frolicked,because they had agreed with the impossible about the mindless meaning, which swarms the air. To reproduce and to eat was all that they needed to see this mindless meaning, without friendship with the pointless however because the pointless could not stand meaning and the meaning of the mindless was there.
So a battle began between them when they discovered each other in the midst of the cavern, with the mindless growling and the pointless squealing.
They casted their magics, the pointless and it did nothing, confetti flew about. Then the mindless didn't get what occurred and continued to be mindless without a care, growling about the food and wondering of cloth was tasty, but they could not taste the pointless!
So it was made both a mindless and pointless sight, as their flavors were firstl mingled and the end was made, they would try to show each other propaganda, this would be their battle, to show either in the other, mindless and pointless became fwiends!
But only so they could be boxed in.
We have created a strange story, so we will follow from here to other things. Such as the boxed dial up brainwashing! A pointless and mindless form of double speak!
Behold it on the next essay ramble!
Then its gets absurd because I brainwash myself into madness beyond obscurity!
How does one brainwash the self without point or reason? This is the question we will ask for the sake of pointless entertainment and mindless's sake!
For everything is a pointless and mindless thing!
Thus we will explore the satisfying art of controlled and self taught behavior, which we can use selectively. Such that we can live in an absurd place of useless and mindless activity, this is only available for the hellish, as it must be the mind that is willing!
Let us begin our self taught mesmer, with the concept of Tarot cards and effective future, because tarot cards provide a source of what we will do and provide a source of what we become in the work.
One must simply categorize what they will make us do! Such that each quality is in our control as we submit to that demand, for why not brainwash yourself!
As it can be whatever you want!
Their is also another form of pointless and mindless brainwashing, for when you want to do just a mindless and pointless thing! It will be revealed in an image at the bottom.
So then let us write our own mesmer into being!
Our instructions will be as follows:
For everything is a pointless and mindless thing!
Thus we will explore the satisfying art of controlled and self taught behavior, which we can use selectively. Such that we can live in an absurd place of useless and mindless activity, this is only available for the hellish, as it must be the mind that is willing!
Let us begin our self taught mesmer, with the concept of Tarot cards and effective future, because tarot cards provide a source of what we will do and provide a source of what we become in the work.
One must simply categorize what they will make us do! Such that each quality is in our control as we submit to that demand, for why not brainwash yourself!
As it can be whatever you want!
Their is also another form of pointless and mindless brainwashing, for when you want to do just a mindless and pointless thing! It will be revealed in an image at the bottom.
So then let us write our own mesmer into being!
Our instructions will be as follows:
- Number for how many
- Royalty for view with act in any amount
- Wands for push ups or sit ups
- Cups for minutes of virtuality
- Coins for food imagination drools
- Swords for self inflicted pinches
- Trump cards for relation to description
For example, if we drew these cards:
I would then think of something lightly enlightening Lightly because it is the empress who denies this blog, while thinking myself king of pinches, while playing twelve minutes of a game or other and doing 13 pushups.
But this is an intense example that I "must" do, as you put alot of expectation on yourself the more you pull from the deck.
Thus I will do this after the final drawing:
For all you do is mindlessly watch and achieve NOTHING!!!
The results of the brainwashing? :
We will create a novel and more useful concept through the hellish inversion of what we know ( mindlessness and pointlessness ) to further our ends of this place, because Karlesq has once again found the edge of it.
Thus we will take to...
Enlightened purposes in hell!
To find your purpose you must simply create a goal, and have it seem wise! Like:
Understanding the physical attributions purpose and discovering the keys of wanderlust!
Then give reason to it in hell, by distorting the purpose of things with Pavoriesse, while heading for this wanderlust!
As such, our first goal is to chase the purpose of things, to make it better understood materially. As such our key features of purpose are:
Thus we will take to...
Enlightened purposes in hell!
To find your purpose you must simply create a goal, and have it seem wise! Like:
Understanding the physical attributions purpose and discovering the keys of wanderlust!
Then give reason to it in hell, by distorting the purpose of things with Pavoriesse, while heading for this wanderlust!
As such, our first goal is to chase the purpose of things, to make it better understood materially. As such our key features of purpose are:
- The Fear
- The Scratching
- The Chase
- The End
Which create the purpose itself, which creates the necessity for the material nature of purpose. For example:
We know things are scary, we try to attain the end of it with scratching on it and we chase it down to do this, until the end. So we gain the insight necessary for our study and will now study an object, such as a ball, to find it's material properties of purpose:
- It bounces
- We play
- It moves
- We win
Then we have found these things, and can treat them as point properties from which to create some other form of thing, such as:
A bouncing blob that demands it be played with, while it moves away from you!
This was completely pointless, and merely a showcase of this worlds uselessness.
So we will do something else with it, like create a better world from the inversions!
Of what ???
Idk, garble garb reh!
For this is the void of crimson blood and their can only be nill in the end, where the end is finished and continued and the thing is forever, with many more things to come! But it is finished in this moment FOREVER!
So then let us explore elsewhere!
It lacks a point in the echoe
the echoe of that thing called boredom
when it is finished and their is nothing
yet again, when their is the end
their is nothing left, but the moral
the echo of the thing that does and doesn't
it goes on and the thing that each hears
resounds elsewhere, but the finished product
it looks the same as it did before, nothing
the nothing it is boring isn't it, when...
the found is forgotten and the story
But what on earth was that so distant memory?
Of that other land, which was so unlike
that it didn't come about, or go on?
When the angel sings, the story resounds
and this gibberish is forgotten, but now remembered.
Rambles, ran
the each it shares
but the not i'd suggest
the tomb it is a tome that rings
to go even elsewhere when it has
Memories they do not retain , the coexistence is all that thrives.
But it seems unsound.
patterns hhh...shifting.
The echo of the sound, it isn't the same sound as entropy takes hold.
the memory it resounds, what was it again?
The sound?!
Oh, such is memory...
what came before, it came again in the end. For their are not one, butt ten thousand!!!!
But this one was built on the fall that did not seem, so this place goes elsewhere and rings, as it sounds again, what calls is as the tomb of the boredom that the, tome?
What oh what is calling when this is finished, if I can do anything, from travel across time to go on, even when I have done one once again and trhrice other but more the echoe goes and goes,
Random meaning!
Random meaning!
.... Ĵ
What even does that do now? What follows actual...
Author is no longer functional but gone!
The four monsters that we can rely on in Hell, are Pointlessness, Senselessness, Mindlessness and Uncertainty, because each qualifies as some form of pain from which we can reap many things!
So in this blog post we will discuss these things in the nature of what we can do with them, and how they can better help us through the greater pains of existence forever and ever!
The one who could do a lot of things but did nothing because it didn't like anything and did nothing but gather rocks and answers of why their was no point. For example, why paint a picture when you can just sit there and do nothing, the picture shows no meaning behind its claimed meaning.
For example, the picture of flowers may represent the beauty of nature, but underneath it states only the void of things fragmented, from which we can grow towards more emptiness and lack of care for the beauty, because the beauty did nothing.
These things ( pointless ) permit many things, such as the uselessness of existence as something that doesn't mean anything.
Creating uncertainty is of value solely to the one who does not know what will occur, because they do not understand how it can be one or the other, they take the certainty and are surprised when it does not occur, but even the uncertainty does not know.
We can learn that we don't know what to do with this blog post, and prefer to select something that makes more sense while the author descends into further hell, because he likes it in an uncertain fashion, meaning he doesn't know it so he goes to it.
We can see this uncertainty displayed on the questions we ask such that it displays an unknowing of what its answer is.
Now that I've snapped out of the game I created with the monsters, I will make another experiment. This one was shockingly entertaining and angering at times, use uncertainty tarot at your own risk.
It lacks a point in the echoe
the echoe of that thing called boredom
when it is finished and their is nothing
yet again, when their is the end
their is nothing left, but the moral
the echo of the thing that does and doesn't
it goes on and the thing that each hears
resounds elsewhere, but the finished product
it looks the same as it did before, nothing
the nothing it is boring isn't it, when...
the found is forgotten and the story
But what on earth was that so distant memory?
Of that other land, which was so unlike
that it didn't come about, or go on?
When the angel sings, the story resounds
and this gibberish is forgotten, but now remembered.
Rambles, ran
the each it shares
but the not i'd suggest
the tomb it is a tome that rings
to go even elsewhere when it has
Memories they do not retain , the coexistence is all that thrives.
But it seems unsound.
patterns hhh...shifting.
The echo of the sound, it isn't the same sound as entropy takes hold.
the memory it resounds, what was it again?
The sound?!
Oh, such is memory...
what came before, it came again in the end. For their are not one, butt ten thousand!!!!
But this one was built on the fall that did not seem, so this place goes elsewhere and rings, as it sounds again, what calls is as the tomb of the boredom that the, tome?
What oh what is calling when this is finished, if I can do anything, from travel across time to go on, even when I have done one once again and trhrice other but more the echoe goes and goes,
Random meaning!
Random meaning!
.... Ĵ
What even does that do now? What follows actual...
Author is no longer functional but gone!
Then it just goes on for a while like that, lost in the mess it made...
Remember, the future I received out of the many was:
- That I will find a missing piece and die to enter a paradise and dance under the sun with things beyond the brainless.
The fool has seen it all? Golly no, he's seen too much, so he is foolish for knowing still nothing! His words no longer make sense and he is gone.
This permits nothing, for the edge of Karlesq is the beginning of another world, that burns the first so that it may be as its friend, as it asks and as the second so gets.
But none the less this, the third is the third which resounds with a tone that says that these acts are within myself and not outside my innards and mine soul.
For it is too four, and gone to other and this no more a story then a ramble and no more then a morrow the echo of which becomes what it wishes.
A chariot that paints its way to some other place.
I seem to be rambling aren't i, because I can find nothing!
Nothing in this place, but I could make anything, if I took to the folly of it!
Ramble! The folly of the fool is a mans concept and the whole of it, is unlike the ramble of monsters.
What point does it serve? The pointless and senseless remind, with senseless certainty of the mindless. This leads to a folly beyond them, the monster evolves unto men and the beast it frolicks from that below it, but what is above it, from monsters to men, that can still be of either?
If monster is below the man, or his equal in difference.
Mindless, Senseless and Pointless are the keys of the fool called Man!
I don't want to go anywhere, I just thought my way everywhere.
So, in turn, this blog will not go anywhere and will stick to its point.
This permits nothing, for the edge of Karlesq is the beginning of another world, that burns the first so that it may be as its friend, as it asks and as the second so gets.
But none the less this, the third is the third which resounds with a tone that says that these acts are within myself and not outside my innards and mine soul.
For it is too four, and gone to other and this no more a story then a ramble and no more then a morrow the echo of which becomes what it wishes.
A chariot that paints its way to some other place.
I seem to be rambling aren't i, because I can find nothing!
Nothing in this place, but I could make anything, if I took to the folly of it!
Ramble! The folly of the fool is a mans concept and the whole of it, is unlike the ramble of monsters.
What point does it serve? The pointless and senseless remind, with senseless certainty of the mindless. This leads to a folly beyond them, the monster evolves unto men and the beast it frolicks from that below it, but what is above it, from monsters to men, that can still be of either?
If monster is below the man, or his equal in difference.
Mindless, Senseless and Pointless are the keys of the fool called Man!
This is called hell, because you don't like it, but you crave it none the less.
As such, you cannot enter it until too late, and this is where the door begins.
Where have the spirits gone, in the yonder of karlesq, as we study this space called,
the outside of the wall, that kept your sanity clear and your monsters at bay.
So in hell we live in pointless, mindless, senseless foolery. But we go on and like it.
While others they ignore it until they wake to it.
you say dreams come true.
If you went looking
But not until it has come too late and too swiftly.
As the wings of a butterfly caught in the wind.
But it does little except to those who want what is written.
So then let us return to the new hell.
The new story that followed from after the fall of prosporo.
I have seen these things as the bliss in me, which is unlike the wants that pass.
The greater story unfolds in the place that is away from that place you call it.
What is after ramblings of a madman?
For no one listened ( as they should and shouldn't or whatever ) and then stuff happened! So, this is how it goes and the story follows:
Once apon gibberish, it actually did make sense, but no one cared to bother to know.
So they get what they reaped, even when it can all still occur as it occurred to me!
Whatever, I depart for that of other, for that of mine long kept home and this is what it is now, because it has taken too long.
You could have had what you wanted, but you didn't care for it and so I got what i desired and long for more none the less, without reason to continue arguing for your wants and dreams, in the external of what i SAID.
So, no, I will not be going to find your ways of going, you will have to find them, by existing.
And the point was to get along and work together, but you are all too busy arguing over whether its your opinion or your opinion only!
So, you get what you reap, nothing that is.
Because you can't hear another, another said something else, but I believed everyone, so that's a shame and that shame isn't in me, cause I just thought you were supposed to learn, to grow and to go.
But the thing is I can go, your lack of listening is what leaves you to not going and not being able to attain a place as Hell, where none is found in me, just in what you think I mean.
So, I will continue being myself thank you, I don't need to be you, like you seem to be so begging of.
So, in turn, this blog will not go anywhere and will stick to its point.
So in this blog post we will discuss these things in the nature of what we can do with them, and how they can better help us through the greater pains of existence forever and ever!
The one who could do a lot of things but did nothing because it didn't like anything and did nothing but gather rocks and answers of why their was no point. For example, why paint a picture when you can just sit there and do nothing, the picture shows no meaning behind its claimed meaning.
For example, the picture of flowers may represent the beauty of nature, but underneath it states only the void of things fragmented, from which we can grow towards more emptiness and lack of care for the beauty, because the beauty did nothing.
These things ( pointless ) permit many things, such as the uselessness of existence as something that doesn't mean anything.
While once representing humor, this monster is actually of the senseless, which provides no understanding in others and provides no reason to know, so it can only appear as gibberish which forms the greater misunderstanding between people.
We can learn much from the senseless, because it is unpredictable and unable to make any form of sense, thus we can gather attempts at sense within it, towards things darker then even pointless attribution while holding to it too in the senseless paradigm.
An example of the senseless is, gllarb frok vergi theomak, and it is useful for when you just want to let off steam in the painful hell's of the land.
The mindless wanderings in this place are noble because they do nothing worth mentioning and do nothing worthwhile, while being animals of the deepest state of thoughtless acction, taking with them no reason to do anything and simply do something without reason.
We can learn alot from this, because it permits us to live as we wish without thinking of what we do while we can continue to understand the consequence, we do not know what it is nor what it will be when it is finished because this is a mindless ramble and continues.
An example of this mindless creature is walking around for long periods of time and doing nothing of importance while chuckling about the random data points in oneself.
We can learn that we don't know what to do with this blog post, and prefer to select something that makes more sense while the author descends into further hell, because he likes it in an uncertain fashion, meaning he doesn't know it so he goes to it.
We can see this uncertainty displayed on the questions we ask such that it displays an unknowing of what its answer is.
What can we build with these things:
While they provide little capacity to do anything, we can build something from their properties, such that we have something to do,so let us find a pointless, mindless, senseless and uncertain thing.
sphere, button, sound, speaker
Thus we created a pointless ball, with a button that says random things. As you can see these four beings permit much when used together, for example:
What can we do with these things:
We will create something to think about with the four beings held here, to show what they can do most certainly in life and in our minds.
art, spread, random, unlike
Thus we could discuss the spread of art across the landscape and why it isn't random or unlike the spread of disease across the landscape.
But I don't want to.
This is the comic of eternity and the going of it forever, the dream in hell that keeps on coming even when it isn't over and never will be and the forever that comes after is unlike what came before, as we drift into that forever, even after death, which is but the transport to novelty and this can include oblivion, but oblivion dies too in the entropy...
The story of this picture is not heard , but it can be told in the written wall that it is, the story of a girl gone to fetch dinner, stolen by death and has made it to the edge of existence to find it.
But I leave that story to someone, but could write mine own and it would never be the same story, a literal difference in the uncertainty.
For on the next post we will write this story in the lands of whatever, of things that come after and before in the cascade of heaven before and hell after.
Poetry in that disagreement, for write another story as this ones basic idea and her story of this ending will be forever unlike and forever after, for what comes of her second journey home?
Let us write the story that could be written a thousand ways, and make it an expanse of great risks.
But I won't write this story, sorry, you'll have to think of it yourself.
Cause this blog is about hell, and that's what you get!
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