The end!

What occurs when the end is still there, but it doesn't seem to matter! Where the world is as one wishes and all things completed their is still a lacking in the reverberance, what is the fear that comes when you can do anything but it doesn't matter.

This is the question we will invert, to the unend, we will thus study in this page the one matter, what it is we seek, what do we seek today, tomorrow and yesterday, if not that same thing, which resounds in the yonder of this place, did the unspeakable occur?

This is called going on, but going on is like staying still in these lands and thus the thing that is unlike moving and unmoving, is shining and shade which appear as the concept alien, which is unheard and descending, from beyond the moved or the unmoved.

If we move and stay still, where does it take us if we go artistically in the fermanent, as what began as a question of emptiness became less in the loss and gain of an echo, what comes after this echo, if not the sound, if not the moved and unmoved shadowy light.

what is fermanant if not the casing of the existence and the unmoving not present and the continuity in the continuity, reverberating as its process.

So then I ask you what is the inversion of the timeless detail, if not the drifting within it, and the thing that does not compute, as the thing that goes as would be.

If that is not a description of myself, then I know not what it is, but this is what I have thought.

So the word of this fearful Experiment is continuity.

And the way to its end, is in the silence below, below this artful expression of what I saw.

And a final ???

I got bored of Hell!

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